Va de Agro: the big FEUGA event on agrifood and forestry sectors co-innovation - Santiago de Compostela, Spain
08 Sep 2022
FEUGA headquarter
Rúa de Lope Gómez de Marzoa - Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Co-innovation is the keyword chosen by FEUGA – Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega for the event Va de Agro. Co-innovando en el sector agroalimentario y forestal.
This meeting is part of the activities for communication and dissemination of four innovation projects: AVIENERGY, MICOALGA-FEED, PROTEINLEG and TIRAC. The aim of the meeting is to create a network that gathers the projects operating in the agrifood and forestry sectors, promoting new ideas and activities.
WalNUT project will be presented by the consortium partner CETAQUA during the meeting. The main focus of the presentation poster will be on WalNUT general objectives with a specific section dedicate to the Galicia region, Spain, where one of the pilot plants is located. This is a good opportunity for WalNUT to expand its network of sister project and to be known by potential stakeholders.
The meeting has a rich schedule of talks, roundtables, networking lunch and exhibition areas.
You can find more information on the official website (ES).