Stronger together: WalNUT joins the Biorefine Cluster Europe initiative!
WalNUT is a young project with a big ambition: to change the European approach for nutrient use in agriculture, shifting from a linear to a circular model. This objective will be reached through the implementation of new waste water treatment technologies enabling nutrient recovery from waste water streams.
How can we ensure that WalNUT’s innovations and achievement will last longer than the project duration? It is never to early to think about the future and this is why, in January 2022, WalNUT joined the Biorefine Cluster Europe. The BCE stands out as an initiative bringing together EU-funded projects with a focus on biobased resources recovery, aiming to establish a more sustainable resource management.
The BCE is active onsix different domains: Nutrient Recycling, Renewable Energy, Water Recovery and Use, Biomaterials & Eco-Design, Biochemicals and Value Chain Assessment. WalNUT is now part of the Water Recovery and Use one.
Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water for all is one of the UN’s sustainable development goals to reach by 2030. To achieve this objective, it is necessary not only to reduce our water footprint by reusing water, but also to recover valuable molecule that can be used again through waste water purification treatment.
WalNUT will tackle both issues by using the nutrients recovered from the waste water streams to produce bio-based fertilisers, untying Europe form nutrient mineral sources importation.
Having joined the Biorefine Cluster Europe, WalNUT is now part of a network of projects resulting in an increased visibility and outreach potential. A short presentation of WalNUT porject and its objectives can be found in the BCE January 2022 monthly bulletin and the project’s events and outcomes will be disseminated through the BCE communication channels.
Stay tuned for more news from WalNUT and follow our journey towards a more sustainable future!